Sunday, December 20, 2009

Yeah He likes his fishing pole..

So on Saturday I realized that I've given way too much of my heart away.
I know its stupid but I can't understand anything fully until I have a metaphor to go along with it.
Everyone and their brother has taken a sip from my water bottle..
I guess that it hit me hard when he said that you can't get any of your heart back.
I guess my hearts only half as full as it was at the beginning..
I want my future husband to be be able to have all of my heart (BESIDES FOR GOD)
and that can be the complete truth..
not anymore.
but I can try to hold on to the heart that I have.
I need to concentrate on holding onto my heart for two men; God and my husband.
My Future Husband..
that sounds so creepy.
so far away..
something I have to strive for.
something I have to save everything for.
something I don't know will happen..

Its weird to thnk of myself as "Future Wife to..."
To whomever God has made for me I suppose..
But the who part of that is what worries me.
I need to stop thinking about boys.
Because currently boys are my only option.
and I don't want to spend the rest of my life with a boy...
and you are a boy. Not a man.
Not what I need. Not what I'm looking for.
I DON'T need someone.
I just don't.
I would like to have someone close. Someone that I can like but not date.
Someone to have.
Someone to think I could date.. Someone that I could see myself with..
STOP you don't need it.
but it would be nice...
I dunno.
God's gotta take the wheel on this one, because I have no idea why I can't do this..

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