Monday, January 11, 2010

Reality Hits Home.

I know I haven't written in a while but..

This week is nuts. So scary. So surreal.
Me in the hospital seemed bad enough.
Unbelievable pain. Drugged up. Scared.
I'd relive that a hundred thousand times to "fix" the past 24 hours..

Uncle Dave; you weren't even MY uncle. But you were so awesome. The way you made my bestfriend light up every time you said something inappropriate was inspiring.. You meant the world to her. You treated me like family. You let me come over to play with kittens. You had a ginormous heart. You'll be missed. Truly. By all.

Alexis. I didn't even know you. I passed you in the halls. I glanced by you.. And now you're gone. I'll never be able to say hi to you. But thank you. I've learned a valuable lesson. A couple actually. But never again will I just glance by a person day after day. May you rest in peace.

My appendix is gone now. But it seems so tiny like I shouldn't complain about the pain. I still have my life, my friends, my family and people dear to me don't..
This is so surreal. All of it..
God, help me not drown..

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