Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hello Trauma!

It stinks that in order to forget this, I have to remember it.
All of it.
No fun.

Today was really okay.
I guess it was balanced out;
-Little one way to come into school NOT high :] good job, please continue to do this.
-Thanks for jumping out at me and causing a panic attack. Gah please just disappear.
-Chem made sense today.. no seriously it did.
-I'm so happy we're talking again, you have no idea. I say 'talking again' because I'm not sure what we are exactly..
-Those little God moments throughout my day were really noticeable today :]Yay!

Ohman! So I'm reading The Shining by Stephen King Holy Moley! So good. I love stories like this, stories that give me goosebumps. :D

New Semester, New start.
-Trying to do homework EVERY day.
-Handing things IN!
-Trying to be nice to Everyone so people can see God's love in me.
-Not giving in to temptations.
-Not giving in to fear.
-Not giving in.

:] This will be good.

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