Friday, July 23, 2010

Because Its been awhile.

I miss SYMS. I almost wish I had chosen to go this year, but I know that it would have been bad for me.
I would have been more concerned with how I was the girl without the summer fling than how I was the girl with the greatest Lover. And that would have been three steps back.

I really like the place I'm in right now, I like being able to ignore earthly desires. Which is probably weird for an 18 year old girl to be saying- but I'm not my own.
Why would I be putting images of guys and sex into my mind when I want to focus my mind and my heart on God? That would just be dumb.
My body is not my own.
My heart is not my own.
My soul is not my own.
These things I've given to God, and when earthly desires sneak up, I pray that God would capture them again.
For God is jealous for my heart :]
That is astounding to me.. Completely.
Just think about that.
The God of the universe, Creator of all, is jealous for you.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Love Is Here.

last night/this morning was like the BEST MOST AMAZING God time EVER.
This is why I'm in NH, I needed to be alone with God.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Like a hand print on my heart...

I don't miss you.
I feel like I should but I don't.
I always felt hardened around you.
Its not okay and I'm gone.
When I walked out that door.
I walked out for good...
You've impacted my life forever..
But I can't be close to you anymore.
Its hard and it sucks and you were my safety net
but its about time I did this on my own..

You'll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have re-written mine
By being my friend...

I can't do it anymore.

I really can't believe how amazingly uneventful this summer has been so far.
I'm okay with that, but I'm ready to start doing stuff.
I miss you :(
even though we text like 87645807807 times a day.
I wouldn't have survived this long without Ryan though.
He's so awesome. I have the best little brother. We do the most random stuff during the day but its always wicked fun.

I wish I was in Kansas with Kenny and Cam.
but God has things for me in NH this summer so in NH i shall stay :]