Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm Harry Potter, but not in that cool way where I'm popular and get to use magic, but in the emo ways. best guy and best girl dug each other? yeah okay thats cool. just.. a little weird, I'm not sure where exactly I fit in this picture anymore, I used to be in the middle, now I'm like.. pushed to the side. awkward. I'm okay with it, I am. I just am nervous.

You're confusing. I mean, by now you should be serenading me on the phone, but not so much. I feel like I annoy you, maybe I do. Maybe I should stop caring. I used to be interesting, easy to talk to, eay to want to date. what happened man? I put my boobs away and stopped putting out. is that whats good about me? blech. I'm dumb.

I mean I guess both of these situations would be different if I had someone, but I don't. maybe if not everyone around me had someone...? Idunno. Its like I'm a constant third wheel.. and I don't want to be any more.. thats annoying any dumb.

blech. i'm tired of this.

ALSO, I feel like I should be able to state that even though the past two weeks have thoroghly sucked, I haven't taken anything, I haven't used anything. ANYTHING.
okay, thats it.

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