Saturday, September 26, 2009

And on his farm he had a flu...

As high school students enter their new 2009-2010 school year, the usual expectations are present; the homework, the friends. Yet student under the age of 24 have a new worry to watch out for, Swine flu. No matter where people look the season, they see 'SWINE FLU PANDEMIC' and other propaganda about the new H1N1 flu.
Not only having to worry about your grades but about not dying from a flu that swept the continent at a pace that even experts distressed about. Only a week after hearing about the swine flu occurrence in Mexico, a school in Queens, NY, USA was shut down because of an outbreak in the H1N1 flu. The drastic amount of flu cases wouldn't be uncommon during the flu season, from November through March, but definitely not common for April.
Doctor Jose Montero, director of the NH health department, says that there are a series of goals in order to prevent the spread of H1N1. First Dr. Montero says that New Hampshire will have a vaccine in the middle of October, but for some that may not be soon enough. He does give advice to help stop spread it. The first step towards prevention is fairly simple yet overlooked too often, thoroughly washing your hands. Along with the step of washing your hands, it is also important to be able to correctly cover your cough. In order to have a properly covered cough, one must hold their arm in a bent position and make sure your elbow covers your mouth and nose. The final step is a hard decision, staying home from work and school when you don't feel good. Although it is commonly looked down upon to skip school when you feel the tiniest bit sick, even when it could mean saving co-workers lives.
Perhaps in this case it is better to be safe than sorry concerning the lives around you.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

When The Moon Fell In Love With The Sun

I have no idea what's harder.. not hearing your voice.
or not knowing if you even want to hear mine.
This could be one of the most tearing and trying things in my life right now.
But I wouldn't change it for the world. Having the time I have with you.
Holding you like I want to. Kissing you. Holding your hand. Visiting you in class.
Surprising you on your birthday :]
but then there's that voice in my head that whisper
Maybe she doesn't even care that much.
I wouldn't blame her if she didn't..
I mean. I'm honestly not that much to be excited about.
I'm just loud, and bubbly.
I'm just a past and a future.
I'm just.. Miranda Elizabeth.
I still can't even comprehend how someone like you could ever even be attracted to me.
I'm falling in love with you..
and I'm too afraid to ask if you are too...
I mean we say I love you's.
but you've said that you've only said i love you
to one person and really meant it in a serious way..
I'm afraid I'm taking this too serious.
I'm afraid you're not taking this seriously enough..
I'm afraid this is all in my head.
But, I love you. I truly do.
You wouldn't lie to me.
Why am I so afraid of rejection that I can't even gather up the courage to ask my own girlfriend whether or not she seriously loves me or not?
I'm pretty sure that isn't normal.
I just..
your mother makes me wish I had a penis.
Junior Year is beyond amazing.
I'm having such a blast.
I love my classes.
I love my girlfriend.
I'm in driver's ed.
I'm always busy.
I'm looking at colleges.
I'm transitioning to end therapy.
I'm in a really really good place.