Monday, January 30, 2012

A case of the Tuesdays.

Tuesdays are without a doubt my hardest days at school. I hate them.
Teaching Portfolio 8:15 to 9:30
Practicum 9:50-11:30
Meaning of the Media Image 1-2:20

And theeeeeeen I do allllll of that homework.
And then I have a Kappa meeting. Stellar.
Buuutt I also get to see Bryan on Tuesdays, so all things considered, it's not THAT bad :]

I'm very tired and have to read thirty pages in two books.. I can't understand the kids who party every night, when the fuck do you do homework? oh right...

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Tumblr took over. Opps.

I'm not exactly sure how to catch up on everything that Blogger has missed. So I think I'll use bullet points to make it easier.
  • Bryan I don't even know how to put Bryan into words. I've talked about "love" and my lack of belief of it. And this boy fucked that all up. If I were ever to draw you a picture with a full description of who
    I was going to end up with, it would be NOTHING like Bryan. Bryan is sweet and kind and listens and sits there while I yell about my mom and my dad and my stress and my sisters and my brothers. He sits there and lets me get it all out of me. He holds me. He chases me when I'm stubborn and refuse to talk. He tells me to shut the fuck up when I'm talk too much. He's everything I'm not. I never even believed relationships like this existed. I never thought that real life, cold, hard, mean, real life could feel like this. Its as if someone wanted to prove me wrong in every aspect. We've been together for seven and a half months. He's it. There couldn't ever be anything else like this.. 
  • Kappa I'm not someone who gets along with girls very easily. They're messy and hard to deal with and stupid. I don't sound like someone to join a sorority, but I did. I love my sisters. I would do anything for them. They've become my family, which means at times I fucking hate them, but at the end of the day (or month) I love them all. We're recruiting now and I'm so excited for new girls to become part of our sisterhood.<3 Kappa Delta Phi NAS has become my family. On my birthday they got me balloons to make sure that I smiled. (twenty was very hard to come to grips with) I'm not sure how they do it, but they keep me strong. We keep each other sane.<3
  • College! I'm going to keep this one brief because, well, i don't want to talk about it. There are very stupid people in college. In fact, yesterday I saw a girl walking BAREFOOT in the SNOW for a solid half mile. (Darwin's proven correct once more.) There's a ton of stupid things done and said. But I like being in college, it's fun and exciting and I'm learning a fuck ton.
But its hard. There are constantly temptations to fuck things up for myself. I'm living by myself in a double so half of the room is completely empty. When you have insomnia and its four in the morning and you're by yourself in a new place and you have so many resources to destroy yourself, it's fucking hard not to. I made a sister take all of my extra razor heads. I purposely left all my knives at home. But there's always Excedrin. there's medicine and washing detergent. There's always a way to hurt. And everyday. Every single day I have to choose not to. After awhile it gets hard to make that choice. Writing papers and studying for finals, that choice gets hard. Every day is a challenge