Monday, February 22, 2010

Thanks For That...

I let you in.
like all the way in.
you knew my every fear, every fact, every failure.
And you abandoned me.
you left me there bleeding.
We've come through so much and you just walked away.
And now I'm different around guy friends; and thats mainly because of you.
I don't even know what to say to you.
I'm glad you're losing your job. I'm glad that you're still single and miserable.

you made me so sad and you don't even care..

Friday, February 19, 2010

All I've ever dreamed of to come.

I'm not letting it build up this time, and I think that's making all the difference.

Worried and scared about my daddy.. its usually me, not anyone else.
I don't know what to do from this side..
This isn't what I'm used to, not whats comfortable.
But I'm using everything I have to not break down, but in a healthy way.
I've made a lot of progress. Considering where I was a year ago; mentally, physically, and spiritually.

I think that this could be really good for me.

Monday, February 8, 2010

I Am Free :]

I'm going to ramble on and on about how amazing God is.
Just because I'm like.. exploding with love for Him :]
okay SO!
Wouldn't it be awesome to know and talk to someone who like knows literally EVERYTHING. who knows exactly how everything is going to turn out. who knows your every thought, your every dream, your every struggle, your every desire.
And wouldn't it be awesome to know that the One who made everything you can see, and everything you CAN'T see loves you. no total understatement. who loves YOU so much that He would give up His son to die in the way they killed criminals.
He loves you enough to forget EVERYTHING you've done, everything you will do.
Please understand that this totally BLOWS my mind in like every way possible.
GAH! God is just so beyond amazing. Beyond awesome. Beyond everything and anything out there.
phew. Now I'm going to go in my room and sing and pray and get excited. :]

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Holy Moses! So tired man.
I've been exhausted for four days straight=NO fun

Psalm 32!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Having a goal is always either really great for me or TERRIBLE for me.
And I have a new goal; NCAVC<3
kind of like Criminal Minds.
(but its actually nothing like that in real life)
I'm so excited :]
I've started doing the FBI circet training today.
I'm going to do that everrryyyday from now until I get into the FBI <3

LOST is onn :D
LASTT season :] so exciting i love it<3

I keep falling asleep.. And I'm not sure why. Its creeping me out..
I'm also ticing like a monster.. NO FUN.